Distant Dreams Title: Distant Dreams Author: Alicia Rades Genre: YA Paranor…

Distant Dreams Title: Distant Dreams Author: Alicia Rades Genre: YA Paranormal Hosted by:Lady Amber’s Reviews & PR Blurb:Kai Watson is only 16 but shes never had a real dream in her life. Each night she leaves her body travels to a new location and adds the sites she sees to her dream book. When she witnesses the brutal murder of upperclassman Darla Baxter while astral traveling Kai is determined to stay out of it. She never saw the murderers face and who would believe her anyway? Now Kai has lost her ability to astral travel and shes forced to relive the murder each night in a nightmare. With no word on Darlas body Kai decides to take the mystery into her own hands to find closure and get back to her travels. As she searches for answers she continues to bump into Darlas brother Collin. Can she catch the killer and still open her heart to Collin or will she lose her gift forever? Facebook Release Party: ift.tt/2dbEPZl Alicia Rades is an award-winning young adult paranormal author with a love for supernatural stories set in the modern world. When she’s not plotting out fiction novels she’s running her own professional writing business plowing her way through her never-ending reading list or preparing for the backpacking trips she takes every summer. In college Alicia majored in communications with an emphasis on professional writing. She currently lives in Wisconsin with her husband and two cats. Don’t miss a thing related to Alicia’s books. Sign up for her newsletter athttp://ift.tt/1CQ5MdV Author Links:Website:http://ift.tt/1CQ5Mum Goodreads:http://ift.tt/1xTYMFa Facebook:http://ift.tt/1hLij8A Instagram:http://ift.tt/1to2TgP Newsletter:http://ift.tt/1CQ5MdV Street Team:http://ift.tt/1Yo1aUs Buy Links: Amazon: amzn.to/2epej0D

Source by lovelyreadspub


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